
Book pet-friendly travel with ease

Search and book flights from 500+ of your favorite pet-friendly airlines, whether traveling with your pet in cabin or in the live animals lounge (also referred to as the cargo hold / cargo area).

book from PET-FRIENDLY airlines
SAFE pet travel

Pet travel that gives you peace of mind

The safety and comfort of your pet's travel is our top priority, which is why we only work with pet-friendly airlines, USDA-certified and IPATA-approved transporters.


Book from your favorite
pet-friendly airlines that are happy to fly your pet(s).

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In pressurized cargo hold

Secure a safe and secure spot on the plane cargo hold for your pet or live animal.

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Book safe and secure transport for your pet with our IATA agents around the world.

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time to travel

We're ready to travel again — and we're not leaving our pets behind.

After two years of a global pandemic, many of us are eager to start traveling again. But unfortunately, many airlines have since changed their rules for pet travel -- so we're making it easier for you to find where and how you can travel with your pets through the world's first pet travel booking platform.

Nicole Caba
founder of avvinue

Help save the dogs of Guam

We've partnered with the Boonie Flight Project, a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit to help more than 60,000 homeless stray dogs on the island of Guam find a new home around the world. Join the mission.


Search, compare and book pet travel—all in one place.


Get a personalized
pet travel profile

Search flight based on your pet to get the best personalized flight options.

Reserve your pet's flight completely online

No need to call the airline. Your pet's ticket is booked 100% online.

Speak with your
24/7 Canine Concierge

Always have a pet parent on our team to speak to during your travel plans.

Search and book
pet-friendly flights

Quickly search and book from 500+ of your favorite pet-friendly airlines.

Quickly select add-on
flight services

Select add-on services like baggage preferences and more.

"The fact that I can now eliminate the need to call the airline in order to reserve my pet or make sudden flight changes would save me hours and a lot of stress. I'd pay for this service in a heartbeat!"
Kevin t.
“My dog's breed is considered potentially dangerous, and when trying to fly her, I couldn't get a straight answer. In the end it all worked out, but it took months of planning and digging for information. Now with Avvinue, it only takes 2 minutes to find a flight for Mila.
lori c.
“During the pandemic, I got my dog, Mr. Cool. And now that we're able to travel again, I didn't realize there was a weight limit on airlines. So booking flights from the pet-friendly airlines that allow him on board will be a lifesaver.”
chris r.